
Bretalita TCF certificate

The TCF certificate was given to our company Bretalita. Only the best companies get TCF. A few requirements are asked: to get TCF, a company needs at least 4 years of working experience on the market, also not less than 40 positive evaluations in the system (Bretalita has 99), and at least 100 contracts (Bretalita  - 548). Moreover, its is required to have a valid forwarder liability insurance, no debts during the past years, and a TransRisk index not lower than "Good Payer".



"Bretalita" and "Samsung"

Bretalita and Samsung - PUB KNOX 01 MASTER 2015 01 09

"Bretalita"- "Astre"

Assocoation des transporteurs europeens


Phone 00 370 5 2707900
