
Types of Trucks:

  •  Tautliner 13,6 m (Dry Products, Industrial)
  •  Frigo 13,4 m  (-25*c to + 35*c)
  •  Tank 25 000 L  (Food liquid)
  •  Car-Carrier ( 7-10 cars )
  •  Hanging Garment 90m3  (clothes)
  •  Van tail lift

Specific transports :

  •  Truck 110-120 m3.
  •  Truck A.D.R. (Hazardous good)
  •  Van 3.5 t (Express Groupage)
  •  2 Drivers (Express and Security)
  •  Ferry (Security)
  •  GPS tracking fleet management
  •  (Security and real-time location)
  •  Convoy (Security for High Value goods)

We guarantee qualified drivers with experience on international transporting expeditions on the territories from the Atlantic ocean to the steppes of Central Asia.

Phone 00 370 5 2707900
